

I research Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques for the creation of intelligent, autonomous robots that can work with or for humans. In my professional life I wear many hats. Currently I am:

For more, see my research page and the GOALS research group.

I am always looking for DPhil students to join my research group at the Oxford Robotics Institute. If you are interested, please for contact me with your CV and a description of how your background relates to my research interests. Note that from 2021 the Oxford DPhil scholarship applications will close in December.

Before joining the University of Oxford in September 2017 I was a Reader in Autonomous Intelligent Robotics in the School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham.


For my publications see my publications page or my Google Scholar profile.

(Semi-)Recent Things (Potentially) of Note

Public Engagement

I am a passionate and energetic believer in public engagement about AI and Robotics, and science more generally. I have made appearances at events, and on TV and radio, discussing both the ideas behind my research, and the potential impact of robotics on society. For more information, see my public engagement page.

About This Site

Following in the footsteps of Mike Osborne, this site was built using Hyde, a theme for Jekyll.